
Sausage rolls

stadiu CKD: Colesterol
Origine: Germany

Ingrediente (8 Porţii)

  • 8 Vienna sausages (approx. 60 g each)
  • 400 g puff pastry 
  • Flour
  • Egg
  • Sesame seeds

Valori nutriţionale (per porţie)

Calorii394 kcal
Grăsimi32 g
Sodiu788 mg
Carbohidraţii16 g
Proteine12 g
Fosfor146 mg
Potasiu167 mg
Conţinutul de lichid57 ml


Preheat the oven to 180°C.

Heat the sausages in hot water, but do not bring them to the boil! As soon as the sausages are hot, remove them from the water, let them drain and dab them dry.

Roll out the puff pastry on a working surface which is dusted with flour and cut it into eight oblong triangles. Place one sausage on each broad end of the triangles, then roll up the pastry up from the broad side towards the top.

Cover a baking tray with backing paper and place the sausage rolls on it. Slightly whisk the egg, coat the sausage rolls with it and sprinkle with the sesame seeds. Put into the hot oven and bake for 20 minutes until golden brown.

After baking, cut each sausage roll into five even parts and serve with mustard or another dip as a party snack.

Sfaturi nutriţionale

Pigs in blankets exist too, but instead of pastry the sausages are wrapped in bacon!