
Water melon smoothie

Water melon smoothie

stadiu CKD: Colesterol
Origine: Spain

Ingrediente (4 Porţii)

  • 4 pieces of watermelon (each about 125g)
  • 8 ice cubes (approx. 20 ml each)
  • Juice of half a lemon

Valori nutriţionale (per porţie)

Calorii60 kcal
Grăsimi0 g
Sodiu3 mg
Carbohidraţii13 g
Proteine1 g
Fosfor15 mg
Potasiu174 mg
Conţinutul de lichid188 ml


Cut the flesh into small pieces and remove the seeds.
Coarsely crush the ice cubes.
Put into a mixer together with the lemon juice and purée.
Put the smoothie into 4 glasses and serve immediately, since otherwise the liquid will quickly separate again.
Absolutely refreshing and delicious. If your melon is not very sweet, you can add some honey.
...despite the refreshment, do not forget to add the smoothie to your fluid count!


Sfaturi nutriţionale

Add some mint and basil by way of variety.