
Fruit smoothie

Origine: Germany

Ingrediente (3 Porţii)

  • 75 g Greek yogurt
  • 1 plum 1 peach
  • 1 nectarine
  • 75g blueberries, fresh or frozen

Valori nutriţionale (per porţie)

Calorii85 kcal
Grăsimi3 g
Sodiu16 mg
Carbohidraţii13 g
Proteine2 g
Fosfor45 mg
Potasiu1 mg
Conţinutul de lichid127 ml


Remove the stones of plum, peach and nectarine. Cut the fruits in small pieces. Combine all ingredients in blender and blend until smooth.

Sfaturi nutriţionale

Try other fruits! Why not swap those in the recipe for something else. Try some strawberries or a pear instead! Be creative and start with just a few ingredients, you can add others later. You know best what is available and which fruits you may eat.