
Ingrediente (2 Porţii)

  • 100 g shiitake mushrooms
  • 2 spring onions
  • 1 piece of ginger (approx. 8 g)
  • 1 tbsp. of sesame
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 tbsp. of soya sauce (light if possible)
  • 1 tbsp. of sesame oil Chives (if desired)

Valori nutriţionale (per porţie)

Calorii272 kcal
Grăsimi20 g
Sodiu718 mg
Carbohidraţii11 g
Proteine15 g
Fosfor302 mg
Potasiu361 mg


Remove the stalks of the mushrooms and finely chop the head.
Chop the spring onions into fine rings, peel the ginger and finely chop.
Slowly roast the sesame in a pan without any fat until light brown, then put aside and allow to cool. Whisk eggs, soya sauce and 2 tbsp. of water.
Fry the mushrooms in the sesame oil at a high temperature, add the spring onions and ginger and fry together for a short while.
Reduce to a medium heat, add the whisked eggs and allow the mass to slowly coagulate.
Allow the finished omelette to cool a bit on a plate before carefully rolling together and cutting diagonally into thick slices.
Serve on a plate and garnish with the roasted sesame and some chives.

Sfaturi nutriţionale

If the rolled-together omelettes do not keep their shape, you can carefully tie them together with a blade of chive - or use a toothpick.